Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
throw in the truck while you're at it
Okay, so my family never owned trucks, it seems like something I would never be apart of. Not that I'm against trucks, in fact we have probably borrowed YOUR truck a time or two. However, this is something I may need some adjusting to.
Here is Matt enjoying his new toy... I mean work expense.
Friday, December 5, 2008
shark attack
"Do you see what you keep in the children's department!!!???!!!"While indicating an illustration of a shark biting a scuba diver. I seriously doubt I can give justice to the appaling nature of her voice, but I tried to keep a straight face as I described to her that even though she might find such an image disturbing, some people, {especially boys-yuck} actually enjoyed reading about shark attacks, and that's why we kept it here in the store. I apoligized if the picture frightened her, but showed her an area of the store where she could find something that was more to her liking and interests.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Four Thanksgivings
Mom and I did all the cooking...and the is that fair. But we found a second to pose for a quick picture.
After the 'rents left...a few friends joined us for left-overs, drinks, and games. Our crew included the Bozeman's, the Helleloids, and their cousin Drew. We played a competitive card game called "Nerts"which I definately sucked at. Poor Matt had to struggle along with me as his partner. Casey and I ransacked the newspaper for the Black Friday sales and coupons. We had to develop our strategies and battle plan for hitting the stores at 4am. Over the weekend, Matt and I journeyed to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where we celebrated an early Christmas with the Hollandsworths at my Uncle's condo.
And finally we visited Matt's parents and sister in Greensboro for a late Thanksgiving meal. As always, I fell asleep on their enticing couch. Everytime we've matter how short a visit... I have ALWAYS fallen asleep on that sofa.
All in all, a GREAT, but BUSY thanksgiving holiday.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
card shark

Melissa's old...

1) Enthusiastic: She gets absolutely ecstatic about Christmas decorations!
2) Creative: She is the most artistically talented person/photographer I've ever met.
3) Persistent: She carves the exact same pumpkin at Halloween EVERY YEAR!
4) Old-School: She has an authentic love and appreciation for all things 90's (including but not limited to the snick tv show "Are You Afraid of the Dark?")
5) Impressive: She does the best "Weaver D" impression that I've ever seen! And no matter how many times I've heard that story...I die laughing!
6) Thoughtful: She has celebrated every success and mourned every failure with me for the past 3 years.
7) Rebellious: She gets into the perfect amount of trouble, like "almost" getting kicked out of private school for attempting to host an illegal prom.
8) Awesome: She's an incredible friend and I couldn't imagine my life without her!
Love you girl!
Friday, November 21, 2008
twilight premier
Monday, November 17, 2008
fish biscuit

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
5 years
This next shot was taken when Matt picked me up for our first official date. Himself and his roommates were throwing a "prom"in their appartment (Theme: Apt 78 "The end of innocense, the decade of decadence Prom") and therefore I was his date. After picking me up, we met a few other prom-goers and ate a very classy meal at Burger King. We danced our first dances to "Kiss the Girl"and "Ducktales". And yes, that is a corsage that he brought for me!
Within the next week, I some how ended up cutting Matt's hair on his back porch. So here are the before and after shots. There were a couple of gaps here and there, but not too bad for my first time.
Friday, November 7, 2008
remember, remember
The movie was projected onto the garage this year, so we could see it on the BIG SCREEN! We had to bundle up and snuggle under the warmth of hats, scarves, mittens, and blankets, which proved cozy will eating chili and baked potatoes.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So I went to vote today...
I won't get all political about who I voted for, that's neither here nor there, but overall it was a pretty painless experience this election. I really expected a pretty hefty line, however when I arrived at 11:45am this afternoon...I was the only one there! So, hooray for procrastination! I even got offered a cupcake!
road trip
Monday, November 3, 2008
Harry Potter

You can view the trailer by clicking the link below.