Saturday, February 28, 2009


Although I received several ridiculously generous and thoughtful birthday presents, one of the most noteable would be from the Bozeman's. Knowing that I love animals, they donated a flock of baby chicks in my name from Heifer International. Here's the info about how my chicks are helping a family in need fight poverty and hunger!

A flock of chicks can help families from Cameroon to the Caribbean add nourishing, life-sustaining eggs to their inadequate diets. The protein in just one egg is a nutritious gift for a hungry child. Protein-packed eggs from even a single chicken can make a life-saving difference. Heifer helps many hungry families with a starter flock of 10 to 50 chicks.
A good hen can lay up to 200 eggs a year - plenty to eat, share or sell. With Heifer recipients'
commitment to pass on the offspring and training, the exponential impact of adding chickens to communities in poverty is truly a model that helps end hunger and poverty. Because chickens require little space and can thrive on readily available food scraps, families can make money from the birds without spending much. And chickens help control insects and fertilize gardens.
I know that they are not technically "my"chicks, but all the same I've decided to name 5 of them, I have a little laminated card with a picture of chicks and their given names on my fridge so that I remember to pray for them and their respective family! Here is what I've dubbed them:
Mafalda Hopkirk
Bathilda Bagshot
Reg Cattermole
Libatius Borage
Augustus Worme

Thursday, February 26, 2009

family in town

Coincidently, some of my Virginia family was in town my birthday weekend. So, Sunday they all came over to breakfast (my dad made his infamous hoecakes and gravy~yum!) Here is my uncle Jeff and two cousins Jaren and Logan. Of course, my cousins don't have much to do with me because I'm a girl and have cooties, but Matt they adore! He talks about Star Wars to them and sword fights in the front yard. For the 30 minutes before they had to leave, the boys permanently attatched themselves to Matt not wanting to say goodbye.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So this week we won 3rd place. A victory, yes, but like I said before, we are always a little disappointed in ourselves when we don't win 1st. However, I was super excited about my winner's choice Harry Potter question. It wasn't as grand, glorius, and challenging as I had hoped for, but still fun. And usually there are NO multiple choice questions, so I have NO idea why Bob gave these options, because I found it very obvious. But I thought I would extend the trivia to you guys and see who can get it the quickest. I have a good feeling that is will be Jill, but my second guess is Lydia.

The question was:

In the Harry Potter series, how does one rid themselves of garden gnomes?

A- Hammer them into the ground

B- Kick them.

C- Swing them in circles and throw them in a field.

D- Take a garden hoe to their heads.

Good Luck.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

best birthday ever

I have never felt as loved or as blessed as I did this weekend for my 26th birthday. It began saturday with breakfast in bed, peach oatmeal, my favorite, and apple cider! That evening we ate at Last Resort with friends, the Pepins, Helleloids, Kelley's, and Chad.
Then it was back to the house where the Bozeman's and the Miller's joined the rest of us for a few board games! Where Chad ate some fire,
We had a little hookah, pumpkin pie flavor!
And played some baldrerdash and then cranium, guys versus girls. The fellows outnumbered us and won.
On Sunday, during the Flight of the Conchords party at the Kelley's, there was an ice cream cake (Birthday Cake Flavored!).There were so many candles that I wasn't able to blow them all out. Guess my wish won't come true this year.

Friday, February 20, 2009

snow trip

Mid-month, we journeyed to Boone, NC for a little snow and fun, only to find little snow but lots of fun! Here are some of the highlights from our trip:

The Cabin rocked!

Here's the inside.
Me and Matt's bedroom was HUGE!

Jason shoveled the driveway with help from some of the fellows.
Crammed in one car for a grocery run.

Jason eats a bagel bite with sour patch kids on top. He said it wasn't half-bad. Jill literally swings from the chandelier!
Big meals together!
Daniel and his Dean's dip. I don't think I saw Daniel once without that at arm's reach.

Wrap around porch with half a dozen rockers. Great morning reading spot! Jill and I were enjoying our morning coffee out there with a good book, before the men interrupted.

Then we played a rivoting game of Sardines, where one person hides and everyone else tries to find them in the dark and once you've found them, you hide with them. Bethany even hid in a suitcase and we nearly never found her!

After that, we played Cranium. Here, Luke and Matt solve a puzzle.

Casey reads us a question.
Casey and Daniel were a cranium-match made in heaven!

"Daniel, write the first 3 words that come to your mind when you hear Seasame Street." Daniel wrote 2.

"Your puzzle is to spell the word "Astrology"backwards. Lets start with you Daniel. "Uh....E?"

Chad and I beat the other teams by a landslide! Good thing Jason put his money on us!

Luke and Matt say "Yo, it's a cloodle!"

There was plenty of hot tubbing, eating, relaxing, game playing, antiquing, some skiing (by the Bozeman's and Luke) and movie watching as well. We all agreed that we should try to do this annually!

feeling nostalgic

I flat out missed the old-school blog. I'm done with frilly bells and whistles...for now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lyndie's day!

Sorry that I'm a little late in getting this up, crazy couple of weeks for the Moore household(I'm also sorry that I stole this picture off your blog, but I didn't have any pictures of you on my work computer). But today is the wonderful Lyndie Miller's birthday, and I'm about to burst to list my favorite Lyndie-ism's.

1) Gourmand: She is a fabulous cook! I can list about a hundred of her dishes that rock my world...but I won't list them all for time's sake. Here are a small few: Coffee Punch (I stole that recipe from her), Fuji Salad, Mississippi Sin, Monkey bread, homemade ice cream, potato soup, I could go on and on!

2) Hero: She absolutely, 100%, without a doubt saved me and Matt's wedding along with her husband, James. They were super heroes on our wedding day and Matt and I probably wouldn't have gotten married if it weren't for them!!! Thanks guys!

3) Genius: Lyndie may possibly be the smartest person I've ever known. She graduated, with HONORS, from the University while getting her CPA. She has never made a B. She can do math I never knew existed!

4) Modest: Even though we ALL know she could ace any test, she was always SURE she failed all of her CPA exams, when in fact I believe she got perfect scores...each time.

5) Exemplary: She is an excellent daughter, sister, wife, mother, follower of Christ, and FRIEND. I would do well to be half as good at any of these things as Lyndie is.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So this Tuesday we won first place at Trivia!!! And the exciting part is, not only do we win a $50 gift card...we get to choose the "winner's choice category" for next week! Since Chad chose U2 last time we won first, they let me pick this week.....and you guessed it! I chose the Harry Potter books! Not the movies, not the fandom, purely the books! I am so stinkin'excited to knock the socks off next week's competition! I will be refreshing my HP knowledge all week!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So, I made my first sale on etsy last week, and I'm super psyched! My little shop is totally for fun, I doubted I would sell anything, but how cool was it that someone thought something I made was worth buying! Mostly my stuff is for dollhouses....because that is my crafty outlet. I plan to post about my current and past projects soon.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Totally psyched because the next few days I'll be spending in the snowy, snowy mountains: skiing, snow tubing, ice skating, and snow ball fighting with some of (but not all {sad face} of) my favortie people. More about the trip to come.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

washington generals

So for the past 2 months our Tuesday nights have been spent at Locos on Timothy playing a rivoting game of Trivia. We are asked about everything from sports, music, pop-culture, history, language, movies, you name it and its been a category...
Our regular waitress, Ginny, is super fun, and not only knows exactly what we'll order every week, she has at one point dragged me into the restroom to show me her tattoos(she has 2 Harry Potter tattoos, that I think are the coolest things EVER). I feel comfortable saying we've gotten close. A couple weeks ago I even brought her a surprise (Twilight hair clips) which she went crazy over! I hope to invite her to church, she seems pretty intrigued that we meet in a bar.
Here's Bill. He's a character, alright. His motto is lose together, win alone(hehehe). But everyone brings something to the table (literally). Bill and his MBA(the business world, economics, and news are his forte), Chad and his ridiculous pop-culture and music knowledge make him a genius. I tend to meet the nerd quoto with my book exposure at Barnes & Noble (literature, language, and foreign culture). I'm also the token girl on the team, so I cover all the girly categories. Unfortunately, my team has had to learn the hard way not to trust me with numbers. We were asked "How many tablespoons in a cup?" And of course they looked to the one women...I confidently answered "Three". Only to later discover it was "Sixteen."
Matt is great with sports, movies, and filling in the rest of the gaps! Out of around 20 teams, we on average place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. However, on rare occasions, we get 4th out of 20 which we beat ourselves up over. Although, considering our team is half the size of the majority of the other teams, its nothing to be asshamed of!
This is pretty much the standard team, on a weekly basis. But occasionally we're accompanied by the Bozeman's and/or Kelley's which leave our team unstopable!