Thursday, January 29, 2009

Matt's birthday

Today is Matt's birthday! And not only is he a wonderful person; he is an incredible husband, a sincerely loyal friend, a God fearing soul, a loving son and brother, and a great pup-dad. Here are my favorite things about the notorious Matt Moore:

1) Ambitious: His one true ambition is to absolutely humiliate me in the grocery store.

2) Persistent: He'll find something that scares the begesus out of me, and chase me around the house with it for weeks!

3) Sentimental: He dotes over me, like he still thinks we just started dating. Don't tell him otherwise though, because I love it!

4) Protective: He always insists on sleeping on the side of the bed that's closest to the door, or walking on the sidewalk closest to the road, so that whatever comes at us would have to get through him first.

5) Chivalrous: He still opens doors for me and pumps my gas.

6) Enduring: He never grew out of the awkward teen phase.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So a couple of weeks ago the fellows went to get tattoos to commemorate their birthdays. It was pretty fun to watch, I was there for moral support, and to make sure neither of them got anything ridiculous, but there was certainly pressure to get one myself! Jason got his much awaited Captain America shield and Matt got the Latin phrase "Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici"which means something along the lines of "I, while living, through truth have conquered the universe." Matt will have to explain to you what it means, its political for the most part. They were both very brave, but poor Matt had to stare into a bright light while Jason chilled and read a comic. I won't unveil the actual tattoos, I will leave that honor for the guys.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

the band

This month I have been too busy to post because of the new band I've joined. I've spent a good month of 4 or 5am jam sessions. And let me tell you that this is just about the MOST talented band you could possibly fathom. One of our drummers, Chad, is also a lead singer. Our lead guitarist, Jason, broke his pinky and has had to learn to play left handed so that we wouldn't loose any scheduled gigs. Matt floats from one instrument to another...drums...bass...guitar...then drums again. Bethany and I are primarily lead singers, however lately we've been dabbling in drumming and bass playing. We also manage the band. So far the band is off to a great start, our fan base is growing exponentially, but we had a major hit last week when Matt tried a difficult drum solo and failed...the crowd ended up booing us off stage!!! And we lost about 2,000 fans. But we've got a new jet and have been traveling out of country a lot more lately! Montréal, London, Dublin, L.A. I love this life.
The bands name is the Riverbottom Nightmare Band, although after a glass of wine I tend to refer to us as the Soggy Bottom Band...hehehe.

Friday, January 2, 2009


So we celebrated our 3rd Wedding anniversary in Atlanta. Here is what we got into:

Lunch at the Buckhead Corner Café with Ted Turner

Shopping in Atlantic Station and Lenox

And Dinner and drinks at Chops Lobster Bar

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

This year, we brought in the New Year with our friends the Bozemans. We enjoyed many hors d'ourves as we played board games and sipped on sangria. Casey feel asleep on the sofa and I on the floor a little after midnight as we usually do. I love this picture of the old New York New Year's Eve ball! It's so retro!

My resolutions this year include:
Running on a consistent basis again
Spending more time with my mom
Reading the bible every day
and seriously organizing my closet