Today is Matt's birthday! And not only is he a wonderful person; he is an incredible husband, a sincerely loyal friend, a God fearing soul, a loving son and brother, and a great pup-dad. Here are my favorite things about the notorious Matt Moore:
1) Ambitious: His one true ambition is to absolutely humiliate me in the grocery store.
2) Persistent: He'll find something that scares the begesus out of me, and chase me around the house with it for weeks!
3) Sentimental: He dotes over me, like he still thinks we just started dating. Don't tell him otherwise though, because I love it!
4) Protective: He always insists on sleeping on the side of the bed that's closest to the door, or walking on the sidewalk closest to the road, so that whatever comes at us would have to get through him first.
5) Chivalrous: He still opens doors for me and pumps my gas.
6) Enduring: He never grew out of the awkward teen phase.