Friday evening we were fortunate enough to attend
Melissa Pepin's new studio opening! Not only did her space look super chic and fashionable....so did everyone who attended! Matt got to play bartender...which was like a dream for him, and speaking of dreams...he was quite the "dream-boat" himself! I felt like he just walked off the cover of GQ....(wolf-whistle).

Below, we have him making the signature drink for one of the guests, a Key Lime Martini. Also provided were Terrapin Rye Pale Ale, and some white and red wines. Needless to say, Matt had many friends that evening.

The last pictured here, is one of my favorites from Melissa's blog. Yes, all of these were stolen from her site, solely for the reason that, even though I brought my own, I was having entirely too much fun to pull out the camera. It was a little later in the evening when the crowd was beginning to dwindle down, but it reminds me of a "Where's Waldo?" book. So see if you can spot me and Matt.