So my good friends, Jonathan and Soleil Smith, have been patient with our busy schedules enough that we were FINALLY able to try out all our camping gear (unused wedding gifts) for the first time with them! We had such an awesome time; having political conversations around the campfire, playing cards, setting up the tents, and watching Matt labor FOREVER churning homemade icecream. The weather was absolutely perfect at Unicoi this weekend. Chilly enough for a bonfire, but warm enough not to freeze in the evening. We even talked Matt into hanging out in Helen, GA for a couple of hours. If you didn't already know...Matt is terrified of midgets, and for some reason or another...he believes that there is an abundance of them in Helen. He came, but not without his concealed-carry. I knew it was bound to happen at some point of the trip, but Matt took down the tent with me still inside. He even zipped it all up so I couldn't find the way out. What a stinker.