Wednesday, the adventure began. We were accompanied by Chad and Bethany as we journeyed to the Isle of Saint Simon's where we stayed at my parents for the evening. On our way, we played many games such as Horse (where everytime you see a horse you say "horse"and that horse becomes yours. At the end of the trip, the one with the most horses, wins all the horses!) And we played "mine," where we claimed the cars we wanted and could later upgrade to another, by shouting "MINE" again before someone else claimed it. We stopped in Sandersville for dinner at the ever-so-classy Dairy Lane. Chad ended up driving about 90% of the way, and Matt spent many a hour on his handy-dandy iphone researching fun facts as we traveled.

We also played Boomtruck, where everytime you see a work truck with a bucket arm you say the words and get points, but don't say it on accident or you'll loose points. Therefore, you must refer to it as BT. Red dooley is another game, whose rules were similar to BT, but you look for red trucks with double wheels in the back and we refer to this as RD. Chad totally dominated the extremely large 7-up can game. He found the only one on the way down and then again on the way back up. Bethany is my new hero because she totally read Jane Austin in the car, which impressed me because I get serious carsickness. The carsickness may have been slightly amplifyed due to my Tabasco Cheez-it intake.

Apparently, Matt's dad kept asking Casey who the wedding coordinator was, and to get him off her back, she told him I was. So on Thursday I was a little surprised at the rehearsal when the minister asked me to get things started! I believe it went well, even with very little notice. The rehearsal dinner was at a little Bistro called Izzy's. The food was great and we even each had presents on our seats. I don't believe I've ever been so spoiled at a wedding. Usually you end up with some cheesy party favor like red hots or hershey kisses. But we got a free trip to the Bahamas and presents just for showing up to the Rehearsal Dinner!!!

Unfortunately, Hurricane Hanna had her way a little and the wedding had to be moved inside. However, it was still beautiful and I balled like a baby. I wasn't able to take many pictures because I was "coordinating."But here's one right before the ceremony of beautiful Casey and her bridesmaids, and then one during the ceremony. More of the story to follow.

1 comment:
AWWW, Casey looked beautiful!! I cant wait to see more pics of your trip!! :)
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