Friday night I got a call from my boss at Barnes and Noble. He wanted to check to make sure I was cool with dressing up again as this week's character for storytime. I had fun last time, so I heard him out. Unfortunately Bob, as sweet as he is, is a bit of a mumbler and I could have sworn he asked me to be
Flipper. I was really excited about being a dolphin, and Bethany even helped me practice walking backwards, clapping, and making dolphin noises. Although, neither of us could recall ever hearing about Flipper books.
When I got to work a little early on Saturday morning...I went to the check out to purchase a book before my shift began, and Tim, the bookseller on call, said, "
So I hear you're going to be Clifford today." I responded with a sigh and said, "
Like before, I was lead to a large crate in the back....when I said this before I wasn't lying. I was a little nervous about what lied within...

Here is Clifford creeping out of the box.. . I thought this was super creepy! Unlike last time....I had to dress myself in this costume...which took a lot of effort. This suit had a lot of padding which made me feel pregnant because I couldn't put my feet on.

And here I am as Clifford the Big Red Dog. I hope I didn't look so intimidating with the children...because I feel like this pose looks like I'm saying..."You want to start something, PUNK!?!?"