So Saturday night was hands down one of the top most fun nights of my whole life! Accompanied by our dear friends Jason, Bethany, and Chad, we made the drive to Atlanta to see the long anticipated Flight of the Conchords Show at the Fox Theater. If you are unfamiliar with New Zealand's 4th most popular comedy duo....then I am sorry...you have not truly lived. Here are some of my favorite videos of their stand-up, very similar to what we were able to see, but over 2 hours long.
After the show, and after drying my tears of laughter, we ventured outside to wait to meet them. We were not alone in this idea, many gathered in hope to get a picture or an autograph. But after 2 hours of waiting, the group of fans had thinned out a bit (not much, but a bit). Not only did we get pictures and autographs, we had the rare oportunity to talk with them a little. Here's Brett McKenzie signing Chad's cd.
And here he is signing Matt's FOTC teeshirt. I got him to sign my ticket, and we also snapped a picture together, but unfortunately it didn't turn out.

Here's Matt and Jemaine Clement looking like old chums.

Matt claims that him and Jemaine were talking about New Zealand's forein policy with the states in this shot, but I think he was actually just getting him to sign his shirt.

And here is me and Jemaine! I was so star-struck....all I could think to say was
...."I like your dance moves..." He laughed and responded by saying that they're working on a whole new show of just dance moves. Words are failing me to describe how incredible the night was...so I'll just leave you with this ___________________.
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