It is an actual book about where Vidalia sweet onions come from. If you have ever been to the Babyland General Hospital in Cleveland, GA (where Cabbage Patch dolls are born) it is equally upsetting and disturbing. The general plot of the story is that a farmer and his wife hear someone screaming under their onion patch, and so they pull and they pull at his "stalk" until a humongous onion with feet and wearing overalls emerges from the soil! He proclaims himself as "Yumion, the Onion Ambassador."
After reading this, I was in hysterics, that someone had actually spent time to write such nonsense, when I was regretfully informed, that the story in fact was true! Yumion the Onion still walks around town to this very day, and remains the head representative of Vidalia Onions.
Sunday afternoon, Matt and I ventured out to go grab some ice cream right outside of Vidalia, as we were returning to town, sure enough, there HE was. Hitch-hiking. Matt threatened to turn around, stop and let him in, but I screamed and cried, so Matt continued driving. I managed to snap this picture as proof right before he flicked us off. They say he's never killed a man, but I'm not so sure.

those vidalianites have WAY to much time on their hands... :)
FUNNY!!! Why on earth was an oninon hitch-hicking!?!?!
I guess he had somewhere to be.
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