1. Her thoughtfulness. (When I took the dreaded GACE, she made me an "ACE the GACE" goody bag and left it on my doorstep the night before, which included a bottle of "the Elixir of Life" - Diet Coke
2. That I can make a reference to an article in Real Simple Magazine and she knows exactly what I'm talking about.
3. That she has a total obsession with drinking glasses...
4. That she calls her own mother "Blanche"!!!
5. Introducing me to the Magic Bullet blender. She was right, it did change my life.
6. That she will make a stinkin' awesome wife to Matt B., whom we all know and love.
7. She really and truly cares about people and what they have to say.
8. That she plots and plans all kinds of devious schemes (with my help, of course)
9. That she is about the size of a Care Bear and just as cute. (And that I'm her tall friend...hehehe).
10. And that just having her as a friend, makes me enjoy life that much more.
I know a few too!!!!!
i love Casey because....
*girl LOVES to eat..:) hehehehe (me too!)
* shes HA-LARIOUS to be around....
*she is the best "soap opera-fake kisser" Ive ever seen! hehehehe
*Day after Thanksgiving shopping wouldnt be the same without her...
*She makes me happy and is one of the most encouraging people I know...
*and last but NOT least...shes one BAMF....if you get my drift...PUNCH OUT CASEY!
Happy birthday Ms. Mullaney!!!!!! loves!
great post kate... :)
I like her because she refers to me as a "lying matt"...
...thanks for all of the trust...
Oh my gosh...You guys are the best friends ever!!! Thank you for all the kind (and hilarious) comments. Katie, thank you so much for such a thoughtful post...you've already made this the best birthday! Hope you (and Melissa) are having so much fun at the beach with the fam :) You both deserve a break--we worked our butts off at boot camp!!! Love you lots.
Happy Birthday Casey! Here is my Casey is great because list:
1. She has the sweetest smile ever
2. She is so pretty
3. She is a great friend- Katie loves her!
4. She has wonderful values
5. She laughs a lot
6. She is a christian
7. She has a good head on her shoulders
8. She has a good sense of humor
9. She is so kind and thoughtful
10. Fun to go Christmas with
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