The first of which is "Je ne sais pas." Pronounced -ZHUH NUH SAY PA- This means "I don't know"and can be used in several scenarioss....per se if someone asks you something in French that you do not understand, this will get them off your back quickily (playing dumb). Or if you do understand, and prefer not to answer, this will work like a charm.
The second I recommend learning is "D'accord." Prounouced -DA COR- This simply means "okay" However, use caution with this one because you may end up committing yourself to some tedious tasks! For instance, if someone asks you "Est-ce que tu sais monter à cheval?" And you simply answer "d'accord" they may throw you on top of a horse, slap its butt, and send you off never to be heard from again!

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