"Math the Band is a being of pure light and energy. A three piece high energy electro dance rock band that sings songs about were wolves, the water cycle, sharks and the importance of staying in shape. High speed high energy dance anthems with more beats per minute than you’d know what to do with!"I couldn't have phrased it any other way.
And the band we've all been waiting for.....Harry and the Potters. They were everything I expected and more..... Of course they were nerdy, both dressed completely as Harry, and their songs were solely about the book series, but everyone there was having a blast. Being a family friendly show, tons of young kids and their parents attended, dressed in costume. It was a site to see kids under 12 in a mosh pit. During one part of the show, Harry's guitar string broke, and he borrowed a drumstick to use as a wand and summon another. From off-stage, someone threw him a guitar with broom bristles attached to the end, which he caught and began playing without missing a beat. Some of my favorite songs they played were: "Save Ginny Weasley," "Voldemort can't stop the ROCK!" and "Hagrid is Full of Hugs but Don't Get Stuck in his Beard." I bought myself an awesome t-shirt, and Matt bought some Harry and the Potters' official Dental Floss. This truly was a night to remember!
OK...beyond the fact that you night sounds totally bizarre and made up...it sounds like the MOST fun!!!!!!!
Totally and completely real, every word! I don't think I could have even imagined such an interesting evening!
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